Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obeus make me disappointed

I have join in obeus for along time and have been get income about totally more than $700 between 1 year.
this in my screenshoot email when i was banned by obeus without warning.

I know that i have put my site to another category of obeus directory, but why obeus suspend my account without warning, and i saw their privacy is no policy.
This is make me disapointed but i accept this decision. Now i see that obeus ads is doesn,t appear in any website that used obeus servise. but don,t worry i,m not talking that obeus will be scam. :p
bye ....obeus.... thanks because you have growth some money to me.
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obeus do pay but their ads is not appear in a view months.

obeus scam

i feel too, i see no obeus ads appear in my blog.